Showing 26 - 50 of 70 Results
Global Optimization Methods for Full-Reference and No-Reference Motion Estimation with Appli... by Murillo Amaya, Sergio Eduardo ISBN: 9781243762221 List Price: $69.00
Características de sistemas de transmissão tetrafásicos: Sistemas de transmissão tetrafásico... by Scherole Brandt Ivan, Kurok... ISBN: 9783639833348 List Price: $56.00
Aplicando la metodología ágil lean Start-UP (Spanish Edition) by Velandia Obando Sergio Eduardo ISBN: 9783659080807 List Price: $40.00
Por unas Botas de Piel : La Cultura Del Narco, Brujos y Pachucos by D�az Herrera, Sergio Octavi... ISBN: 9781936885145 List Price: $21.99
Concepto de derivada como razn de cambio: Desde el punto de vista de la teora APOE (Spanish ... by Eduardo José Loera Ochoa, O... ISBN: 9783659088810 List Price: $57.00
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineer... by Toledo Santos, Eduardo, Sch... ISBN: 9783030512941 List Price: $399.99
Para Comprender La Reforma Protestante (Spanish Edition) by Sergio Richaud Eduardo Tata... ISBN: 9786124252228 List Price: $19.99
Autoobservaci�n Docente: Gu�a Pr�ctica para Elevar la Autoeficacia by De la Concha Arreola, Eduar... ISBN: 9798649598866
La empresa es el mensaje (Spanish Edition) by Sergio Godoy Etcheverry, Ed... ISBN: 9789567402335
Judo nuevas perspectivas sobre Metodología y Entrenamiento (Spanish Edition) by Hernandez Garcia, Raquel, A... ISBN: 9788499938769 List Price: $25.85
Conceptual and Therapeutic Analysis of Fear by Starkstein, Sergio Eduardo ISBN: 9783319783482
A son de campana. La fragua de Xochiatipan by Sergio Eduardo Carrera Quezada ISBN: 9789684966369
AOPim: An Aspect-Oriented Implementation Method: Supporting Aspect-Oriented Software Develop... by Sergio Soares, Eduardo Laur... ISBN: 9783639171136 List Price: $95.00
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